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Thursday, August 04, 2005 Reviewed

So you're bored . . at home or at work. Don't let the boss see this. This website I will be reviewing is totally for you time wasting pleasure! is arguably the best designed and organized flash game repetoire.

Containin a large collection of games - all from different genres, from action, adventure, puzzles, shoot 'em up, to dancing and shows - there's got to be a game in here for you.

If you are know to gaming - have no fear: under each game the objective is clearly written and the controls are given.

Games come in all different difficulty levels, from easy all the way to hard.

So while you wait for that e-mail to come in, or just gotta kill some time at work go to

Disclaimer: This blog is responsible for any enjoyment you fee while playing games. It is not, however, responsible for any firings that occur as a result.

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