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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Accelerate Your Web Experience With Google Web Accelerator

Well, I found this when I landed on Google's site. They were advertising the New Google Web Accelerator so I thought,"What the heck, let me see what it does."

It's actually pretty cool. I'll explain how Google Web Accelerator works and how you can tell that it does.

Okay, so I downloaded the thing and before I ran it I read up on how it works.

It works by using more than one method.

  • It sends pages that you request through special machines specifically used for Google Web Accelerator traffic.

  • It stores copies of pages you view frequently.

  • It downloads an upload of a web page only if a change has occurred.

  • It prefetches web pages on your computer in advance.

  • It manages your internet connection to reduce delays.

  • And Google Web Accelerator compresses data before it is sent to your computer.

But Google Web Accelerator will not speed up pages that are over a secure connection and speed up pages viewed over a dial-up connection, because

I have hi-speed lite (for those who don't what that is it's a connection that dial-up but not as good as high-speed).

I noticed a slight improvement in speed, however, since it is meant for those with a DSL or Cable connection you probably will see a big improvement.

Google Web Accelerator tells you how much time you saved by adding a toolbar in your browser window like so:

You can also see the performance data which tells you how many pages you have viewed and how much time you have saved since you installed Google Web Accelerator.

I notice a boost in speed and you probably will too. Download Google Web Accelerator and speed up your Internet browsing experience!

(See: )

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  • Yeah I've stumbled across that before, but it reminds me too much of those old scams, not that I think google would scam people yet.

    Thanks for the info.

    By Blogger selsine, at 3:30 PM  

  • Sounded good so I went to try it out, the message said they have maxed out ontheir capacity andnot available right now.

    By Blogger bschneider5, at 5:17 PM  

  • Wow! That stinks. But Google will probably fix the problem and have it up and running soon.

    So, check back and see if it works again.

    By Blogger tradertime, at 5:17 PM  

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